My Heart
My heart belongs to Jesus. I want to serve Him in everything that I do. I want my business to bring Him glory. I think it makes Him happy when His people are captured in the beauty that He gave them, or when memories are forever recorded in history. The Bible talks about memorial stones commemorating what God had done in the lives of the Israelites. I think that wedding photos are memorial stones that make Him happy. When they are fresh, you can look at them and see what He's done to get you through the madness of falling in love and planning a wedding. When they're old you can look at them and see what it took for Him to guide you through life's storms and triumphs together. This photo is of my grandparents who were married almost 60 years before my grandfather passed away.
My husband and I have a huge place in our hearts for missions. We worked for a missions organization for four years which is where we met and we welcome opportunities to travel and serve missions and missionaries.